Convert numbers to native Korean numeral words or numeral determiners. The given number is valid when it is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100.
function susa(
// Number to convert
num: number,
// Whether to use numeral determiners
classifier?: boolean
): string;
susa(1); // '하나'
susa(2); // '둘'
susa(11); // '열하나'
susa(21); // '스물하나'
susa(99); // '아흔아홉'
susa(100); // '백'
susa(1, true); // '한'
susa(2, true); // '두'
susa(11, true); // '열한'
susa(20, true); // '스무'
susa(21, true); // '스물한'